Thursday, November 29, 2012

The UN - Agenda 21

The UN, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development.

Agenda 21 - Preamble
1.1. Humanity stands at a defining moment in history. We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being. However, integration of environment and development concerns and greater attention to them will lead to the fulfillment of basic needs, improved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can - in a global partnership for sustainable development.

1.2. This global partnership must build on the premises of General Assembly resolution 44/228 of 22 December 1989, which was adopted when the nations of the world called for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, and on the acceptance of the need to take a balanced and integrated approach to environment and development questions.

1.3. Agenda 21 addresses the pressing problems of today and also aims at preparing the world for the challenges of the next century. It reflects a global consensus and political commitment at the highest level on development and environment cooperation. Its successful implementation is first and foremost the responsibility of Governments. National strategies, plans, policies and processes are crucial in achieving this. International cooperation should support and supplement such national efforts. In this context, the United Nations system has a key role to play. Other international, regional and sub-regional organizations are also called upon to contribute to this effort. The broadest public participation and the active involvement of the non-governmental organizations and other groups should also be encouraged.

1.4. The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries, in order to cover the incremental costs for the actions they have to undertake to deal with global environmental problems and to accelerate sustainable development. Financial resources are also required for strengthening the capacity of international institutions for the implementation of Agenda 21. An indicative order-of-magnitude assessment of costs is included in each of the program areas. This assessment will need to be examined and refined by the relevant implementing agencies and organizations.

1.5. In the implementation of the relevant program areas identified in Agenda 21, special attention should be given to the particular circumstances facing the economies in transition. It must also be recognized that these countries are facing unprecedented challenges in transforming their economies, in some cases in the midst of considerable social and political tension.

1.6. The program areas that constitute Agenda 21 are described in terms of the basis for action, objectives, activities and means of implementation. Agenda 21 is a dynamic program. It will be carried out by the various actors according to the different situations, capacities and priorities of countries and regions in full respect of all the principles contained in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. It could evolve over time in the light of changing needs and circumstances. This process marks the beginning of a new global partnership for sustainable development.

Agenda 21 translation:
The UN has/will infiltrate every aspect of life in every nation. In other words, they will be playing God and seeking to eventually become the global governing body. And, those nations who will not cooperate with this master plan will be pressured or perhaps even mandated to do so. The UN will use a bottom up approach where local agencies and organizations will get their communities excited and ramped up to take on these initiatives. And what exactly are these initiatives? In short, they answer the question: how do we as a collective brotherhood of nations move forward in the arenas of Development and Ecosystem stewardship? In order for this to take place on a global scale, the wealthy will be footing the bill for the needy. The end result will be global redistribution of wealth and a green agenda like you read about leaving the masterminds and elites with the power, control and wealth. The intent is to begin right in our own community but, as this process continues and the monster needs to be fed, it will become a global power struggle. While this project may sound noble, things just don’t work this way. You see, we were created by God and He has the master plan. If we don’t consider Him in our own philosophies and decisions, they will be doomed for destruction. Stewardship of both our planet and relationships are exactly what we are called to do but the difference is that if we proceed in the name of the creation rather than in the name of the Creator, we loose. And, for those who design these master plans (Agenda 21 and the like), they will be held accountable to God for manipulating the masses and leading them away from Him.

Oh and by the way, humanity has stood in a defining moment in history since the original sin. This is nothing new and the rejection of God is nothing new either. The difference now is that we may in fact be at a real defining moment and it has nothing to do with Agenda 21 but rather everything to do with recognizing our need for a savior who in fact, is knocking at your door. Simply humble yourself and open that door. Over time, you will come to understand the issues of the day and place them in their proper perspective.

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