Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post Election Summary

The hard reality is that as a result of this 2012 presidential election we now see that (conservatives) are finally outnumbered in the electorate. I actually sensed this for some time based on conversations with others, even brothers and sisters in Christ. I found it very frustrating and found myself asking God if I am arrogant because I can see so clearly what many others cannot.

The truth is that at least half of the electorate either doesn't understand or has been taught to hate conservatism or both. The proof as an example, found in exit polling, shows that 60% think our economy is bad yet they opt for Obama who presides over one of the worst economies ever. This shows that they don't see conservatism/capitalism as the option for them. As Rush put it yesterday, it's hard not to vote for Santa because while Santa gives them what they want, the other guy tells them that they can have what they want if they work hard. I guess the Romney 47% remark was in fact correct. Meanwhile, the rest of them have been trained to associate conservatism/capitalism with racist, bigoted, hateful, greedy people. No wonder it doesn't appeal to them. The interesting thing however is that they don't make the connection that they themselves would never want to volunteer giving up their stuff to another (redistribution) but it's perfectly fine to require that of others. Remember the occupiers who complained about their things being looted while demonstrating against the so called 1%? It’s funny how that works and even funnier that they don't see the connection. Meanwhile, the next generation is being indoctrinated in that same anti conservative/capitalism mind set with the centerpiece being the faux compassion standing as the new measuring stick of successful societal consciousness and the foundation to social justice.

The only thing that stands in the way of tyranny is liberty and the only way to get people to freely give up their liberty is to convince them that creating a society that is socially compassionate will bring peace. Who else but the government can get everybody to fall in line with this philosophy? And of course, those who don't are treated as haters even though they want to create an atmosphere for everyone to succeed. Who is the actual hater then? Consider any issue of the day and see how "compassion" so easily fits right into the core of the issue and think about how these issues are used by the left to push their agendas: abortion=woman's rights, amnesty=racism, voter ID=racism, gay marriage=love, tolerance=acceptance, class warfare=help the poor, all compassion centered. Stop for a minute and think about compassion. Where does it originate? Our creator because we were created in His image and He is compassionate. How did the progressives come to understand that compassion can fit into every argument to win men's souls? Satan. Therefore, what we have is an all out battle for men's souls. The good news is that the war has been won on the cross. 

Every kind of discrimination imaginable, manufactured-perceived-real, can be argued and/or sold as compassion.  And to help their cause even further, they will stretch or redefine the language to fit their agenda.  Again, the irony is that it doesn't apply to conservatives and the populous doesn't recognize the double standard. People are indeed just like sheep and it's no coincidence that scripture refers to Jesus as the Good Shepherd. I can see Satan's hand print all over this, it's so obvious. 

We all know the world likes to establish "grey area" in order to have some leeway but history shows that the leeway limits keep getting stretched to the point where people can no longer distinguish between right and wrong. Society is the proverbial frog in the pot and the left keeps turning up the heat without ever defining limits. Think about the battle cry that "the rich need to pay their fair share". When asked “what is their fair share”, there is no definition, it is left open to interpretation.  There is never an honest conversation regarding this subject therefore society will not understand the consequences of over taxing the rich (productive). 

It's both amazing and sad that people are willing to trade their liberties for this false peace (sold as all forms of compassion) but we were created with the desire for peace and if you don't understand that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the ONLY path to peace, you are left open to every deception. In the end, they don't understand that they are in fact trading off their liberties nor will they find the peace they seek. We need to understand these things not as a matter of this issue or that perspective, but rather as an outright satanic deception aided by our own pride and sinful nature. We are in the midst of a spiritual battle that is raging all around us. The American dream was/is a great gift that enabled a tremendously productive society. But if we move from our founding principle of "one nation under God" then we end up as a divided nation without God's blessings. And I believe we have arrived exactly at that point. Put yourself in God’s place (if you dare) and consider these things: abortion, gay marriage, premarital sex, a lying and misleading press, yes to evolution but no to creation, kicking God out of our society, confusing acceptance of sin for love, government that seeks to control its people, making global warming into a religion, all other forms of idolatry, when all else fails make the issue of the day into an issue of compassion. Now, put your own thoughts aside and ask yourself how God would respond to these. Finally, compare that result with what God actually says in scripture to find the truth. There are no grey areas in these matters and if you want to continue to deceive yourself or worst yet deceive others, you will have an eternal price to pay. I’m sorry but that is the truth. The good news is that while we are ALL sinners, we have been forgiven by the shedding of the blood of Christ on the cross. All we have to do is to say yes to Jesus and grow in that new found relationship. Now that is compassion. Remember, your lifespan is but a minute blip on the eternal timeline.

We need to repent (turn away from our sin) by the power of the Holy Spirit both individually, and as a nation. It has become very clear that staying in the Word and in prayer is what we need to do every day, like a modern day Paul or John the Baptist. Standing for Christ is our primary responsibility in balance with fighting for conservative principles because that is how the nation needs to work, productive and creative, just as we were created. We cannot be or become the lukewarm church in Revelation 3: 13-22. Remember that Jesus promised to either acknowledge or disown us before His Father in heaven if we do likewise with men here on Earth (MT 10:32-33).

May God have mercy on us and may we walk with The Lord in these turbulent times. The final chapter has already been written but we only see the pages of history turning one moment at a time. Do not loose focus, remember the great saints of scripture. The reward is indeed great.

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