Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TVBD success system

The TVBD success system

This system is nothing new, in fact it’s based in principle so by definition, it’s been time tested and in existence since the creation. What we’re really talking about is focusing our energy on some simple but important set of organized principles that can be executed and repeated. Over time, you’ll notice the changes taking place in your life, in part because you’ll be focused and will therefore be looking for them but primarily because you’ll be engaged in the process. 

Let’s begin by defining what success is not. Success is not tied to income, your position in life, or personal status. In fact, the disease called “status” is likened to buying things that you don’t need with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t like

Now that we’ve got that cumbersome load out of the way, we can discuss what success actually is. Most importantly, understand that success is personal, individual, and not to be compared to other people’s goals or achievements. In the pursuit of success, there is often personal growth that takes place and that, is an individual and very personal process.  In fact, one key element is to willingly accept your challenges and view them as opportunities.  The reason for that is simple: challenges cause you to stretch, stretching causes growth and growth means that you are getting better.  You also stretch when you have a dream.  No one is perfect, nor will they ever be. That means 2 things: first, it means that you can’t ever get to perfection so don’t beat yourself up over it. At the same time, you can’t use the fact that you’re not perfect as an excuse for staying where you are. Some say that if you don’t move forward, you’re actually losing ground. The second thing it means is that you will always have something to strive for.  You can continue to progress while raising the bar. You will never quite reach perfection but you will continue to grow and hopefully enjoy the journey. Here’s the definition of success:
Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream

Let’s get into the success system:
Think – the basic truth about how you think is this; you are where you are because of how you think.  If you want to change where you are, change the way you think. In other words, you are the product of what you think about.  In order to change that, consider changing or adding to your associations.  In part, your associations are determined by the books you read.  Consider this; books give you insight into people's lives.  You can learn in days what it took someone an entire life to learn.  Be willing to think outside the box.  In other words, don’t put yourself into the little box that others have designated for you. Your creator has much more in mind for you than anyone could know. The truth is even though you know yourself better than anyone else, you’re also the one that will tend to limit your own potential.  How you think determines if you let the dream enter in.
Vision  is the fuel. Some people call it the dream.  It’s just getting to a point where you can “see” yourself as being there. You get a sense of what it actually feels like to achieve the dream. You can define it, taste it.  Most of the time, I believe that a vision is borne out of a passion, or even something that you do very well.  God created and equipped you with a purpose.  Ultimately, you will find your path when you seek God’s will for you.  Along the way, remember the challenges, the struggles, they are your friends.  If your dreams are big enough, the struggles won’t take you down and you’ll be energized to grow through life rather than go through life.  The successful person is not the one where everything works out well for them but rather the one who has grown from their struggles as a result of the journey.  Your vision will be the fuel that gets you through.  Remember this; you will end up exactly where you’re heading.  Do you want to be a wanderer or do you have a vision?  

Become is the process of achievement. Because success is actually a journey, the progressive achievement is very important.  The cool part of becoming, is that as we approach it, we then set new goals based on the vision. We know that we won’t reach perfection so it’s necessary to keep moving forward. This is why success is a progressive realization of the dream, and why it’s a journey, a lifelong journey.  You have now become your vision but, you aren’t stopping there, you keep setting new goals and refining your vision. Do you see why it’s so important to keep your dream alive? We need to keep moving forward to be productive in our lives.  This success system just happens to be a simple way to bring all the principles down to 4 simple components.   

Do. All these things you’ve been doing to bring you to becoming your vision, keep doing them. Success is really a matter of creating the proper habits.  Habits breed results and ultimately, results are what we are all after.  Here’s a simple nugget that might help you with this last step: extraordinary people are just ordinary people that do a little extra. Since we have come to understand that success is a journey, it stands to reason that these steps are to be repeated and become a part of how you live your life. 

I wish you all well in your personal journeys and would love to hear back from you with any questions or testimonies.