Friday, March 4, 2011

A collection of my favorite nuggets

Seek truth and open the door, live truth and experience freedom. 

Biographies give you insight into people's lives. You can learn in days what it took someone an entire life to learn. 

If you want to change your results, change the way you think. if you change the way you think, you can change your life. 

The way you think determines your actions. Your actions determines your results.  

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime
Receiving something beyond joy for having reached out to someone is a blessing.

Helping others for the purpose of getting something in return beyond joy is a transaction.

Outreach is an outstretched hand to someone with no intention of getting anything back except the joy that comes from sharing God's love.

Filter the things of this world through God's Word and always prioritize your relationship with Him over everything else.

This is the time to be bold in Christ. May the Holy Spirit guide & protect you. Do not take the sign of the beast Rev. 13: 16,17

People have answers and can offer guidance. The question you must ask is: what is the source of their insight? It must be based in truth.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

To know the glory of God, you've got to get out of yourself and spend some time with Him.

Darkness hovers like storm clouds awaiting the signal. Those who have awakened await a different signal while the rest won't even notice the darkness.

One problem with the notion of being a "good person" as the determining factor for salvation is who defines what is a "good person".

Raising children is like a warrior crafting an arrow. You mold them, point them in the right direction and you release them

Regarding the leaving of a legacy: pass it on well enough that they'll catch it and have the passion to pass it on

We've moved from a reliance on God to self reliance and then from self reliance to a reliance on the state. Disaster

A bad experience is the best way to refine judgment which in turn, is the best way to a good experience.

A father should leave a legacy to his children by living a life of principle with a foundation built on truth & integrity. 

By design, there should be unity and relationship within our diversity. Not division and conquest. Best example? The Trinity 

When the people are afraid of the government you have tyranny, when the government is afraid of the people you have freedom.

Celebrating freedom, the resurrection, life everlasting. Celebrating Easter 
Success happens when we put others in a position to win. Keeping people down to control them is not success. It's slavery

The best freedom happens when someone teaches another the principles of freedom. This way it becomes self perpetuating

This bears repeating: Every time you get something for nothing someone else gets nothing for something. 
What we often think of as a reason for doing or not doing, is usually an excuse. We just don't realize it.
Why then do we keep making the same mistakes? Laziness and arrogance is the correct answer. 

It seems to me that we can make better decisions on a regular basis by knowing and understanding history. 

HISTORY will tell you tomorrow if the decisions made today were good

History will also tell you today if the decisions made yesterday were good

You grow when you're stretched, you're stretched when you step out of your comfort zone, you step out when you have a dream or, when you hear God's call and respond to it.

It's not true that practice makes perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect, and that's not possible either.

Realize that we impose self limiting views of our abilities.

We should present ourselves in an authentic manner because perception becomes reality. Is their perception of you realistic?

It's not our role to judge others, but it is our responsibility to use discernment. 

Experience encompasses many factors and therefore really does trump head knowledge. How do I know this you ask? Experience

Radical is when someone is willing to speak or act upon things outside the "norm". By the time everyone else catches on, it's too late

While the dismantling of don't ask don't tell is on the docket, the dismantling of this country has already begun

Why complain about our problems when you wouldn’t trade yours for someone else'

It's all well and good to work hard, and we should. But a mix of working smart gets the results. 
Start with the end in mind: A dream of where you want to go, establish a plan, work smart, make adjustments, get results. 

A new day brings a new beginning. Hope and change? It's up to you

Convenience vs commitment: 
living together = convenient, marriage = commitment. Settle for = convenient, go for = commitment 
Invest with the expectation of getting a ROI. People are your greatest asset therefore your greatest investment. 

Iif you avoid being "under the circumstances", you will find the opportunity on the opposite side of your (every) challenge.

There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience, and that is not learning from experience. 
As an entrepreneur creating a team, remember to build your strengths and staff your weakness. 
I'm a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody that can save anybody.  (Nalani’s friend)

some days are just harder than others. If you wait long enough, yesterday won't seem so bad.

There are 3 types of people: players, spectators, and those who don't even know there's a game.

Successful entrepreneurs are fueled by their dreams. The first step in the pattern for success is to define your dream

Happy wife, happy life.

If you don't want your wife to act like your mother, stop acting like a child.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. 

Don't take yourself so seriously. Nobody else does. 

Sometimes people just want you to listen. You don't always have to be Mr. Fix it.

Every time you get something for nothing, someone else gets nothing for something. 

Extraordinary people are simply ordinary people that are willing to do a little extra. 

People want 2 B validated and significant. It's a human need that's ever present. Be careful how U satisfy that need.  

I have found that coming to know the true and living God has given me the significance and balance in life that is necessary

Education happens in school, learning happens for a lifetime 

Think - do - grow - BECOME

Your strengths are also your weaknesses. 

Even though you know yourself better than anyone else, you’re also the one that will tend to limit your own potential. 

Many people confuse who they are with what they do. Once you figure out who you are, life becomes less confusing. 

1901-1986 Represents my grandmother's birth and death year. The small dash = her entire life.

It's also important to step out of your comfort zone because that's where you are stretched into the person you were created to be

Every challenge represents an opportunity. It's your choice to decide what you do with it

Don't just go through life, GROW through life

Your core principles determine your value system 

The biggest risk is taking no risk at all because you are then choosing a life of mediocrity. 

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