SUCCESS: is the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream.
This definition is one that I have adopted from a very successful business person many years ago and found that it has truly passed the test of time.
This definition is one that I have adopted from a very successful business person many years ago and found that it has truly passed the test of time.
The 2 keys components to success are:
- Desire (it's your dream, a matter of the heart)
- Preparation (a matter of the head)
- Define it and refine it
- Do you see the value in what you have set out to do
- Can you get excited about being involved in something that can change people’s lives
- Can you see that success here will enable success elsewhere
- Can you visualize yourself "there" before you've even begun
- Expect challenges and know that they are a part of "growing" you into the person that you are striving to become. View challenges as a positive. Your desire is what keeps you energized when those challenges seem monumental and overwhelming. Also remember that success is often a game of inches. If it's worth it, don't give up because the goal could be just around the corner.
- Don't waste time agonizing over decisions, make the decision to prepare once. Then do it.
- Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed by the scope and magnitude of what needs to be done. Break it down into logical-simple-flexible increments
(How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time)
(How do you build a skyscraper? From the ground up. You begin with a foundation, then one beam and one column at a time)
- Your preparation enables you to build a secure foundation then everything else falls into place. Nothing of value can be built without a foundation.
- Work from a list
- A list will help you remain accountable
- A list will enable you to free up your creative thinking
(A short pencil is better than a long memory)
- Scratching items from a list as you complete them is empowering because it gives you a sense of accomplishment
- Add new items to the list. Remember the definition:
SUCCESS: is the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream
The key words in this definition are progressive and dream.
· The dream is represented in the first key to success. Desire
· Progressive indicates that it is ongoing. Hence, add new items to the list.
Your Lists
- Make a list that clearly defines your desire. This will be the fuel that energizes you. Writing it down enables you to go back to it, and “reselling” yourself on the concept.
- Make a list of people that may have value to your project. Also keep in mind that you never know who knows who. What I mean is always be willing to meet others and share conversation and ideas, you never know how you might be able to benefit each other from the relationship.
- Make a list of all the reasons why your dream is important and has value
- Maintain a list of ideas as you think of them.
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