Friday, February 1, 2013

3 Battles

What I see today in our society is 3 major battles. It’s not that they haven’t existed before, they have, it’s just that they are being ramped up and intensified. 

The first battle is political. It comes across as a conflict between 2 different parties: Democrat vs. Republican, left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative, you know “same old same old’ where we simply agree to disagree and then go out for a beer. Tomorrow is another day and that, is when we get our opportunity and our friends across the aisle will assume the role of the subordinate. But is it really? Of course it’s a rhetorical question because the answer is a resounding NO and, that is why it’s a battle. I’ll explain.

The left (as I choose to call them) are not playing political games nor are they interested in relinquishing their accumulated power. On the contrary, they seek to spread their reach into every crevice and under every rock across this land as they centralize their ever growing power into this monstrosity of a federal government. They are stepping (and I’m being respectful here) all over the constitution and our founding principles. Theirs is an ideological quest and I’ll give them credit for not giving up the fight they believe in as they fundamentally transform the United States. 

The right (if you can call them that), how do they respond? By selling out, they either have no backbone or they have no clue, probably both. They have fallen prey to political correctness and media attacks and have discarded the conservative principles that made this country powerful in every regard. They have no fight, are losing ground and are becoming useless. Wow that’s harsh you say, maybe but it’s also true. If we want to regain our communities, economy and position of strength, we need strong conservative principled leaders with a vision who are willing to fight. It’s really that simple but the problem is that we cannot effectively change the political landscape without first rebuilding our society because it is the people of this society that vote for politicians and you can see the path we are on.

 The second battle is cultural. It’s still a government by, for and of the people is it not? And if it is then it’s these people who are responsible for electing representatives who reflect their views and ideals. Well, that is where the problem lies because we now have a society with no foundation or direction.

The non tolerant demand tolerance and the absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth. They believe in teaching and promoting evolution where a key principle is survival of the fittest and at the same time welcome homosexual relationships which ends up in extinction. They blow their trumpets against conservatives in a so called “war on women” while they align themselves with oppressive regimes that really do have a war on women. They like to pretend that guns are the problem in the killing of innocent children while simultaneously willingly murder millions of unborn via abortion cleverly sold as “choice”. They punish and wage a cultural war on productive members of society and then go on TV telling us that we can become successful. Unions have their members acting like they work for the unions while the exact opposite is true. We are a great nation and we are arrogant. We cannot drill for oil but we will fund Brazil and tell them that we will be their best customers. They support separation of church and state but not mosque and state. The media have the right to free speech but not Fox News. Vulgar TV hosts on CNN can say whatever they want but Rush Limbaugh has to apologize. I guess what’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander, or is it the other way around? Who knows and apparently, no one cares either.

Are you getting the point? Do you see why there is so much confusion? Add to that the constant indoctrination via the media, academia, big labor, entertainment industry and politicians and we’ve got fundamental transformation. Did you know that our founding fathers and framers were: white, rich, racist men, (presumably all bad)? It used to be that these brilliant men (albeit not perfect) were revered for creating our founding documents. 

Ronald Regan said “a government big enough to give you all you want is also big enough to take away all you’ve got”. He also said that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free”

Those quotes literally give me chills because he knew then what might come and I now see that it is well established. The questions that remain are: who will fight and for what will they fight? Is security more valuable than freedom? Do we live by principle or convenience? Do we have vision for the future or are we trapped by instant gratification? Are we in fact drowning in a sea of sinful desires dedicated to the satisfaction of our selfish lusts? Do we realize that God is standing at the door of our souls, wanting us to know Him as He already knows us or, is He simply an object of convenience? You see, we cannot rebuild a society without a foundation, it will not stand. We have rejected the one who offers hope, direction and guidance and that is why the 3rd and final battle is the most important and the one I am dedicated to. 

 The third battle is spiritual. This is the battle that you cannot see and yet it's also the one that is the ultimate in terms of significance. It encompasses the spectrum from the greatest of evil to the greatest of righteousness. without gaining ground in this battle, the other two battles are doomed to both failure and eventual destruction. This is the battle where everyone can make a difference, it's the battle for right vs. wrong, truth vs. lies, the battle that replaces deception with righteousness and the battle that will glorify His name because we were created by Him and for Him. 

If we continue to selectively accept or outwardly reject God, then we will be on our own, left to our own desires, each one with his own standards, endlessly scratching out insignificant victories only to lose them to one with a different standard. That reality offers continuously changing standards depending on who is talking and who is listening. What will you teach your children and what will be your legacy? If you read the previous 2 battles, you already know what the outcome of a Godless society is: confusion, chaos, destruction, death. Wouldn’t you like to just take some time to find out the truth of who God is and, who you are as a result? Isn’t it worth the time to put all your ideas on the shelf for a while and learn what He has to say? Since He is the creator, doesn’t it make sense that when He created everything He had a specific design in mind? If this is all true, don’t you want to make the best choice for yourself and those you love? One day, it will be you and The Lord, what will you say then?

There is good news, and that should make you happy. Happy because there is order, promise, direction, hope and guidance. And I know you’ve heard this before but repeating it never goes without purpose. And so here it is:

  • God lives (eternally in 3 persons: Father, son, Holy Spirit)
  • God loves (all that He created, that means me and it means you)
  • God judges (He is righteous we are not, and to not judge would be unrighteous)
  • God forgives (He has given our unrighteousness a path to forgiveness by the resurrection of the Son, all we have to do is to say yes to Jesus)

It's not what we do or how good we are, it's what He has already done for us and our acknowledgement of it. Then, it's about getting to know Him through prayer and reading His Word. It's a relationship with the living God.
I’d like to recommend some fruitful reading. The 4th book of the New Testament is the book of John. I just read it last year with a small group of high school boys and it really did bear fruit. You can read it in several different versions depending on your reading style.

Here is a link to the book of John, (you’ll need to click through the chapters on your own): 

You are welcome to contact me with any questions you may have and my prayer is that you give this reading a chance with the right frame of mind. When you read it, do so with a real desire for God to reveal Himself in a way that you can understand, and that you would sense His presence as you seek to know Him. Also, you should consider connecting with someone that will be able to answer questions and guide your path as you begin your walk with the Lord.